更新Yosemeite後O2無線網卡與Vectorworks dongle啟用 - MAC

John avatar
By John
at 2014-10-26T01:51

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※ 引述《Heatherting ( )》之銘言:
: 目前有兩台更新到OS 10.10 Yosemite都遇到很棘手的問題...
: 一台MacBook Air 1.3GHZ INTEL CORE i5更新後
: 使用德國的O2無線網卡則無法再連上網路
: 另一台則是Mac Pro本身安裝Vecorwork這套繪圖軟體
: 更新前有一個dongle解鎖的模擬器 使用上都沒問題
: 但再更新後就是讀取的到 可是都無法使用....
: 這種相容性的問題真的無解了嘛? T^T
: 再麻煩各位高手相救了!!
: 謝謝!




感謝s8338127提供的消息: http://goo.gl/94wnPJ


After installing MacOS X Yosemite, it may happen that Vectorworks has stopped
running because the dongle is not found. It is recommended to reinstall the
current dongle driver in this case.

Download Link dongle driver:

Alternatively you can download the driver directly from Sentinel:
Enter your search filter:
-User Category: "End User"
-Product: "Hasp HL" or "Hasp 4"
-Operating System: "Mac"
-Type: "Runtime & Device Driver"
-Language: "All"
Then "Search" and select this driver in the selection:
"Sentinel HASP / LDK Mac OS X Run-time GUI Installation"

Make the installation of the driver at the end.


謝謝xcycl的資訊: 試試看這篇的解法 http://goo.gl/4OysJg


Step 1:

Copy the file from HiLink Surf stick on the desk.


Open the Finder, navigate to the desktop and choose the file.

About the gear, when selected file, select "Show Package Contents".

Step 4:

Choose where at Contents / Resources mbbserviceSetup.pkg the file. Click on
the gear again and select "Show Package Contents" from.

Step 5:

Select the file "Archive.pax.gz", this copy, please contact the location of
your choice. Preferably the desk.

Step 6:

Open the file with the archive program, so this is unpacked.

Step 7:

Open the terminal - (found under Applications / Utilities).

Navigate in the terminal to the location of the extracted file in the
unzipped folder .. In this case: "cd Desktop / archives". To restart the
device, type:

"Sudo ./mbbservice"

You will then be prompted for your password. Do not be alarmed: Here no stars
for each input are displayed. So you have to write almost blind.

Then it takes a few seconds, and the stick should be lit differently.

Check the status under

Maybe even the two arrows must be pressed, you should not be connected.

The process with the Service must be performed after every reboot
unfortunately "




希望也能幫到有需要的人。 :)

Tags: MAC

All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-10-29T14:01
其實先降回舊版會比較好,這版缺點也不少之後有改再升 ..


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-10-25T23:32
我的MBP已經用了快四年,循環數已經破千...健康值也逼近50%... 我的Model No.是A1278,打算自己買個電池來換, 但想請問一下大家,為何以下兩家的價錢可以差到近五百? 是不是有品質上的差異@@?? http://24h.pchome.com.tw/prod/DCAU3G-A71868 ...

macbook 出現了這些字庫...

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-10-25T23:22
Hi all 我的macbook出現了這些字庫 http://ppt.cc/6ko2 似乎是無蝦米輸入法的字根 造成我系統輸入時會出現些錯誤 (ex:在任何輸入框內打 jg 會莫名其妙出現 幹) 也造成我電腦因為選自變慢 請為有人有類似狀況嗎 thanks - ...

Instant Hotspot疑問

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-10-25T22:19
我是用MacBook Pro 13吋,OS:Yosemite 連接iPhone5,iOS:8.1的熱點一般狀況都沒問題 但是只要電腦重開機的話,就會無法由電腦開啟iPhone上的Instant Hotspot 但只要我重新登入登出iPhone 5上的iCloud,重設藍芽就又正常, 直至我電腦又重新開機。 雖 ...

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Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-10-25T22:09
如題 再升級前很正常 點開wifi並按分享後可以看到wifi那邊變一個向上的箭頭 但升級後同樣的動作好像失效了 http://imgur.com/y8jh4e0 已經重開機過了還是一樣... 不能分享好麻煩啊@@ - ...

最近想買MBA 13

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2014-10-25T22:06
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