更新yosemite後2012mbp wifi一直斷 - MAC

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2014-10-24T23:31

Table of Contents



1. 打開網路偏好設定
2. 選擇wifi,右下角* 點選"停用服務" => "套用"
3. 選擇wifi, 按下面"-"刪除 =>套用
4. 重開機
5. 打開網路偏好設定
6. +wifi,服務名稱一定要改成 wifi 2 or wifi x
7. 按"製作"的時候,不要按"套用"
8. wifi活過來了。


JamieAscot Oct 17, 2014 10:31 PM
Re: Yosemite (OS X 10.10) killed my WiFi :( in response to GalagBasha
Guys, I have a Macbook 2008 Unibody, upgrading to Yosemite killed my wifi too.
Cannot turn it on at all, and it was stuck "off".

None of the solutions so far in thread worked (clearing PRAM, deleting
configuration folders etc. Did nothing).

But I fixed it, heres how:
1. Open Network Preferences, click once on the WiFi adapter in the
list there on the left. Then click the little cog icon at the bottom and
select "Make Service Inactive". Click APPLY.

2. Then click on the WiFi in the same list there again, and then click
the - button to delete it. Click APPLY.

3. Reboot the Mac.

4. Once rebooted, go back into the Network Prefs, and under the network
adapter list click the + button, and then in the dropdown list (which is
probably showing Bluetooth by default) select WiFi. For the name field,
change it from WiFi to WiFi2. It's important you add something to the name
here (I've just suggested to add a number 2), or else it will break again
on next reboot. Click APPLY.

You should then have a working WiFi, that survives reboots.

※ 引述《Koibito (戀人)》之銘言:
: 昨天更新完 Yosemite 我也發生 Wifi 會自動斷線不會重連的現象
: Google 過幾個方法後都沒用
: 剛剛把 Router 內的 DNS Server 值清空後重啟
: (我的路徑是 DHCP Settings/Primary DNS)
: MBA 也重啟後就恢復正常了
: 如果這個方法也不行的話
: 可以參考官方論壇看看
: "Yosemite (OS X 10.10) killed my WiFi :(" http://bit.ly/1wgEiq9



Tags: MAC

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2014-10-26T06:29
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-10-28T01:29
重開機之後,狀況又依舊了XD 一直斷..
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2014-10-30T15:54
關於第七點 沒有製作這個按鈕 是指+ ? 套用也躲不太過


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-10-24T23:01
打開背蓋,白蘋果會自己發亮 小弟為了要省電 要如何設定才能 關掉mbp上的白蘋果LED電源 - ...

請問要怎麼關掉voice over?

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2014-10-24T19:22
我的貓咪超喜歡踩鍵盤 踩一踩就打開了超恐怖中文人聲voice over 聽到快崩潰了Q__Q 請問大家要怎麼把voice over 關掉QQ -- 真是個壞女孩∩__∩y 哈哈哈哈~~ - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2014-10-24T19:16
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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-10-24T17:09
我的 27and#34; iMac 開機畫面是黑底白蘋果。 21and#34; iMac 是白底黑蘋果。 二台都在同一天更新成 Yosemite。 這倒底有什麼玄機在 ???? 你們的開機畫面是什麼樣的呢? -- http://averywu.pixnet.net/blog/ - ...