無法進行make install - BBS

By Linda
at 2007-08-14T15:48
at 2007-08-14T15:48
Table of Contents
※ 引述《subi (subi)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《zqpm (隨風 似影)》之銘言:
: : 似乎是因為無法找到automake跟autoconf所以無法進行
: : 我剛是有試著找到automake的package並且安裝了(autoconf還沒....)
: : 不過我是想請問一下有什麼樣的因素會造成automake跟autoconf not found呢
: : 想知道一下原因
: : 謝謝
: automake 或 autoconf 的相關檔案找不到......
: 天災人禍世事難預料.
是不是剛好在最近升級 autotools 相關的...
AFFECTS: autotools
AUTHOR: ade@FreeBSD.org
Extensive reworking of the autotools ports has occurred, putting them in
the canonical locations, along with a suitable wrapper port to make
developing autotools-using code (as opposed to just building ports)
considerably easier.
Upgrade path is as follows for portupgrade, substitute the appropriate
commands if you are using portmaster:
1. portupgrade -f 'autoconf*' 'automake*'
2. cd /usr/ports/devel/autotools; make install
3. portupgrade -a
The second step is optional, but is recommended to bring in all versions
of autoconf and automake.
: ※ 引述《zqpm (隨風 似影)》之銘言:
: : 似乎是因為無法找到automake跟autoconf所以無法進行
: : 我剛是有試著找到automake的package並且安裝了(autoconf還沒....)
: : 不過我是想請問一下有什麼樣的因素會造成automake跟autoconf not found呢
: : 想知道一下原因
: : 謝謝
: automake 或 autoconf 的相關檔案找不到......
: 天災人禍世事難預料.
是不是剛好在最近升級 autotools 相關的...
AFFECTS: autotools
AUTHOR: ade@FreeBSD.org
Extensive reworking of the autotools ports has occurred, putting them in
the canonical locations, along with a suitable wrapper port to make
developing autotools-using code (as opposed to just building ports)
considerably easier.
Upgrade path is as follows for portupgrade, substitute the appropriate
commands if you are using portmaster:
1. portupgrade -f 'autoconf*' 'automake*'
2. cd /usr/ports/devel/autotools; make install
3. portupgrade -a
The second step is optional, but is recommended to bring in all versions
of autoconf and automake.
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