硬碟變成動態磁碟要轉回基本的作法(XP) - 儲存設備

By Edward Lewis
at 2010-09-03T08:47
at 2010-09-03T08:47
Table of Contents
作者: jackoptt (燎原火) 看板: share
標題: [資訊] 動態硬碟轉換成基本硬碟 (中譯)
時間: Thu Feb 9 14:21:43 2006
※ 引述《jackoptt (燎原火)》之銘言:
: Convert from Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk without data loss
: Windows 2k and above introduce new kind of disk: Dynamic disk. Dynamic Disks
: provice features that basic disks do not such as ability to create volumes
: that span multiple disk and ability to create fault tolerant volumes. All
: volume in dynamic disks are known as dynamic volumes.
: We can convert from basic disk to dynamic disk very easily by using Disk
: Management tool. But that tool did not allow convert from dynamic disk to
: basic disk without data loss.
: One day, I had a serious problem: after re-installed Windows 2003 Server, a
: dynamic disk could not be recognized. Fortunately, I found in Internet an
: article about this problem:
: 1) Install dskprobe.exe on the system. (This is one of the utilities in the
: Windows 2000 support tools on the install CD, and can be installed by simply
: copying the .exe file to the hard drive.)
: 2) Run dskprobe.exe on the system.
: 3) Select the Drives menu and "Physical Drive. . ."
: 4) Double click on the drive that you want to convert back to a basic disk.
: Click the "Set Active" button next to that drive.
: 5) From the Sectors menu, select "Read"
: 6) Accept the defaults (begin sector 0, read 1 sector) and click "Read"
: 7) In the editor, go to the "01C0" line and the third bit should be a "42".
: Change that to a "07". **Note, a few machines have had this on the "01D0"
: line instead. I don't know what that means, so I wouldn't try it unless it
: on a pure test box. (this line will be 01D0 if your disk has multiple
: partitions and so on).
: 8) From the Sectors menu, select "Write". Confirm all dialog boxes. **Note:
: This is the step that will hose your box if you have not followed the above
: instructions correctly.**
: 9) Exit dskprobe.exe. Reboot
: 10) Run chkdsk on the affected logical drive(s). If any errors are found, do
: a chkdsk /f to fix them. Done.
: Source from: http://faq.arstechnica.com/link.php?i=1806
在Windows 2000及更新的作業系統引進了一種新的技術: 動態磁碟.
的磁碟區. 而動態磁碟上的磁碟區都為視為動態磁碟區.
有一天,一個嚴重的事情發生了: 在重新安裝Windows 2003之後,系統並不能辦識
原先的動態磁碟. 幸運地, 我在網路上發現一個解決的方案.
1) 安裝 dskprobe.exe 到系統上 (在Windows 2000的光碟上可以找到這個工具,
並具將它複製到硬碟上即可.) 下載點: http://0rz.net/3c12v
2) 執行 dskprobe.exe
3) 點選選單 Drives - Physical Drive...
4) 點兩下你想要轉換成基本磁碟的磁碟機. 並點選其右邊的"Set Active".
5) 點選選單 Sectors - Read.
6) 接受預設選項(Sector0至Sector1), 並點選"Read"
7) 在編輯器中, 至"01C0"行之笫三個位元應為"42", 將其改為"07"
**附註:在某些電腦上,它出現在"01D0"行. 目前尚不知為何會如此, 所以
8) 點選選單 Sectors - Write, 確認所有的提示視窗
**附註:如果未完全的執行以上的步驟, 將有可能傷害你的電腦*****
9) 離開dskprobe.exe, 並重新開機.
10)對轉換的磁碟執行chkdsk, 若發現任何錯誤,執行 chkdsk /f 來修復它. 大功告成.
翻的不好, 大家參考看看吧.
MB :ASUS P5Q Premium MON:HANNspree HF287Hx2
RAM:A-DATA DDR2 2G*4 KB :Enermax KB007U-B
HDD:WD640G+FALS*4 MU :Razer salmosa
CASE:冰山戰神旗艦4G 預定完成的機器..
PSU:CM 1000W gold
作者: jackoptt (燎原火) 看板: share
標題: [資訊] 動態硬碟轉換成基本硬碟 (中譯)
時間: Thu Feb 9 14:21:43 2006
※ 引述《jackoptt (燎原火)》之銘言:
: Convert from Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk without data loss
: Windows 2k and above introduce new kind of disk: Dynamic disk. Dynamic Disks
: provice features that basic disks do not such as ability to create volumes
: that span multiple disk and ability to create fault tolerant volumes. All
: volume in dynamic disks are known as dynamic volumes.
: We can convert from basic disk to dynamic disk very easily by using Disk
: Management tool. But that tool did not allow convert from dynamic disk to
: basic disk without data loss.
: One day, I had a serious problem: after re-installed Windows 2003 Server, a
: dynamic disk could not be recognized. Fortunately, I found in Internet an
: article about this problem:
: 1) Install dskprobe.exe on the system. (This is one of the utilities in the
: Windows 2000 support tools on the install CD, and can be installed by simply
: copying the .exe file to the hard drive.)
: 2) Run dskprobe.exe on the system.
: 3) Select the Drives menu and "Physical Drive. . ."
: 4) Double click on the drive that you want to convert back to a basic disk.
: Click the "Set Active" button next to that drive.
: 5) From the Sectors menu, select "Read"
: 6) Accept the defaults (begin sector 0, read 1 sector) and click "Read"
: 7) In the editor, go to the "01C0" line and the third bit should be a "42".
: Change that to a "07". **Note, a few machines have had this on the "01D0"
: line instead. I don't know what that means, so I wouldn't try it unless it
: on a pure test box. (this line will be 01D0 if your disk has multiple
: partitions and so on).
: 8) From the Sectors menu, select "Write". Confirm all dialog boxes. **Note:
: This is the step that will hose your box if you have not followed the above
: instructions correctly.**
: 9) Exit dskprobe.exe. Reboot
: 10) Run chkdsk on the affected logical drive(s). If any errors are found, do
: a chkdsk /f to fix them. Done.
: Source from: http://faq.arstechnica.com/link.php?i=1806
在Windows 2000及更新的作業系統引進了一種新的技術: 動態磁碟.
的磁碟區. 而動態磁碟上的磁碟區都為視為動態磁碟區.
有一天,一個嚴重的事情發生了: 在重新安裝Windows 2003之後,系統並不能辦識
原先的動態磁碟. 幸運地, 我在網路上發現一個解決的方案.
1) 安裝 dskprobe.exe 到系統上 (在Windows 2000的光碟上可以找到這個工具,
並具將它複製到硬碟上即可.) 下載點: http://0rz.net/3c12v
2) 執行 dskprobe.exe
3) 點選選單 Drives - Physical Drive...
4) 點兩下你想要轉換成基本磁碟的磁碟機. 並點選其右邊的"Set Active".
5) 點選選單 Sectors - Read.
6) 接受預設選項(Sector0至Sector1), 並點選"Read"
7) 在編輯器中, 至"01C0"行之笫三個位元應為"42", 將其改為"07"
**附註:在某些電腦上,它出現在"01D0"行. 目前尚不知為何會如此, 所以
8) 點選選單 Sectors - Write, 確認所有的提示視窗
**附註:如果未完全的執行以上的步驟, 將有可能傷害你的電腦*****
9) 離開dskprobe.exe, 並重新開機.
10)對轉換的磁碟執行chkdsk, 若發現任何錯誤,執行 chkdsk /f 來修復它. 大功告成.
翻的不好, 大家參考看看吧.
MB :ASUS P5Q Premium MON:HANNspree HF287Hx2
RAM:A-DATA DDR2 2G*4 KB :Enermax KB007U-B
HDD:WD640G+FALS*4 MU :Razer salmosa
CASE:冰山戰神旗艦4G 預定完成的機器..
PSU:CM 1000W gold
All Comments

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