蘋果開發者網站疑似遭入侵 - MAC

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-07-23T02:55

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Ibrahim Balic thinks he may be the intruder identified by Apple in an attack
against its developer site but says he had no malicious intent.
Apple reported Sunday that an "intruder" tried to gain access to developer
data last week, prompting the company to take down its Developer Center Web
site. The general developer Web site is accessible as always, but the actual
Developer Center sites for iOS and OS X remain offline.
No names have been revealed in the alleged security breach, but security
researcher Ibrahim Balic pinned the blame on himself, claiming that he was
merely trying to alert Apple to several vulnerabilities that he discovered on
the site.

In a lengthy comment to a TechCrunch story posted on Sunday, Balic identified
himself as a security researcher who consults for different firms and has
started doing research on Apple. In his investigation, he said he found 13
bugs on the Developer site, which he reported to Apple through its
bug-reporting site.
One of the bugs apparently provided him with access to user data, which he
said he immediately reported to Apple. Four hours after he filed his report,
he said, the Developer Center shut down. Balic has since attempted to e-mail
Apple but has yet to receive a response, he said.

In his comment, Balic said that he didn't conduct the research to hurt people
and did not try to publish or share the user data with anyone else. He also
stressed that he reported the bugs to Apple before he attempted to see if he
could get the actual data.
CNET has contacted Apple for comment and will update the story if the company
Balic's full comment and a video he posted on YouTube appear below:
My name is ibrahim Balic, I am a security researcher. You can also search my
name from Facebook's Whitehat List. I do private consulting for particular
firms. Recently I have started doing research on Apple inc.
In total I have found 13 bugs and have reported through
http://bugreport.apple.com. The bugs are all reported one by one and Apple
was informed. I gave details to Apple as much as I can and I've also added
One of those bugs have provided me access to users details etc. I immediately
reported this to Apple. I have taken 73 users details (all apple inc workers
only) and prove them as an example.
4 hours later from my final report Apple developer portal gas closed down and
you know it still is. I have emailed and asked if I am putting them in any
difficulty so that I can give a break to my research. I have not gotten any
respond to this... I have been waiting since then for them to contact me, and
today I'm reading news saying that they have been attacked and hacked. In
some of the media news I watch/read that whether legal authorities were
involved in its investigation of the hack. I'm not feeling very happy with
what I read and a bit irritated, as I did not done this research to harm or
damage. I didn't attempt to publish or have not shared this situation with
anybody else. My aim was to report bugs and collect the datas for the
porpoise of seeing how deep I can go within this scope. I have over 100.000+
users details and Apple is informed about this. I didn't attempt to get the
datas first and report then, instead I have reported first.
I do not want my name to be in blacklist, please search on this situation.
I'm keeping all the evidences, emails and images also I have the records of
bugs that I made through Apple bug-report.










Tags: MAC

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-07-27T01:32
希望能不小心匯錢到我的開發者戶頭 XD
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-07-31T23:31


John avatar
By John
at 2013-07-23T02:35
http://ppt.cc/U8d5 1) 已經爬文過,但是沒有發現類似問題:S 關鍵字都是imessage 2) 因為對方在國外,時差加上費用所以沒有辦法直接打電話問他說有沒有收到 (而且也沒有這麼急著說要追著他問說有沒有收到這樣) 以上前情提要XD 抱歉我還是新手:S 請多加指教:P 我 ...

Parallels vs VMware Fusion玩遊戲選擇

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-07-23T01:28
爬了一下文,也有板友提過PD和VM的問題 似乎是五五波的評價 我的需求是:我想玩聖鬥士星矢Online...... (這是我十年來第一個想玩的遊戲,為了它我把MBP的RAM加到16G) 無奈手邊的企業授權只有32bit的Win 7,Bootca ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2013-07-22T23:26
各位大家好 小弟最近剛入手一台MBP 用的不亦樂乎 因為需要軟體的關係 最近剛用BootCamp分割 並安裝了Win7 剛安裝完時接USB都還可以使用 但是 今天在Win7作業下接USB完全沒反應 我以為是USB曹壞了 可是我在OS下卻又可以讀到 不知道為啥 請各位大大救救我 感謝 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-07-22T23:21
不好意思.... 已經查了很多天,朋友送我的iPad一直遲遲無法用 不知道該如何用無信用卡申請appleID http://walker-a.com/archives/1949 我有網站,已經爬過文 大家都說有None這個 但我找不到 請問是現在不能無信用卡申請了嗎 - ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-07-22T19:55
想說已經準備到官網刷卡了,突然想到這個問題 看了一下AIR的照片 好像沒看到有1394的接頭? 因為要跟DV攝影機連接 所以一定要有1394的孔啊 andgt;andlt; 請問AIR要怎麼接1394的線? - ...