請問我的硬碟要死掉了嗎?? - 3C

By Wallis
at 2011-09-03T20:13
at 2011-09-03T20:13
Table of Contents
先檢查一下排線看是否有接觸不良的情形,再來是用硬碟偵測軟體試試看. 硬碟是有壽命
的,你還是先備份吧. good luck
※ 引述《yasuharu (小西康陽)》之銘言:
: 從昨天開始 我的筆電就一直出現以下內容的視窗
: "pc repair"
: "critical hard drive disk error"
: "Windows - Delayed Write Filed"
: "Windows was unable to save all the data for the file\\System32\\496A8300.
: The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your
: computer hardware"
: "Hard Drive Failure"
: "The system has detected a problem with one or more installed IDE/SATA
: hard disks. It's recommended that you restart the system."
: 請問我這樣的意思是硬碟要壞了嗎?????
: 我現在桌面整個黑的 打開C、D槽 檔案都變隱藏
: 但是程式都可以執行 CD槽東西也都沒有不見
: 請問我該怎麼辦??
的,你還是先備份吧. good luck
※ 引述《yasuharu (小西康陽)》之銘言:
: 從昨天開始 我的筆電就一直出現以下內容的視窗
: "pc repair"
: "critical hard drive disk error"
: "Windows - Delayed Write Filed"
: "Windows was unable to save all the data for the file\\System32\\496A8300.
: The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your
: computer hardware"
: "Hard Drive Failure"
: "The system has detected a problem with one or more installed IDE/SATA
: hard disks. It's recommended that you restart the system."
: 請問我這樣的意思是硬碟要壞了嗎?????
: 我現在桌面整個黑的 打開C、D槽 檔案都變隱藏
: 但是程式都可以執行 CD槽東西也都沒有不見
: 請問我該怎麼辦??
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