限制存取 (不良的IP位置) - Facebook

By Carolina Franco
at 2012-02-17T17:17
at 2012-02-17T17:17
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電腦重新開機,網頁開啟後就出現 限制存取(不良的IP位址)
You are trying to access Facebook from an IP (Internet Protocol) address that
has been associated with a misconfigured ISP (Internet Service Provider),
abusive behavior, or is otherwise not able to access Facebook. You may
request to have this block lifted from Facebook by contacting us below.
Please note that we're unable to reply to every report at this time, but we
may contact you for more details about the issue as we investigate the report.
將cable重開也一樣情形發生, 請問有解嗎? ._.
☑ 我確認我已經按 z 瀏覽過精華區且也用 / 功能搜尋過板面上相關文章
注意:請按 Ctrl+X 再按 T 修改文章標題使之包含應用程式名稱
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