Asus筆電升級win10後無法充電的解決方法 - Windows

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-09-07T14:20

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關鍵字 windows 10 upgrade cannot charge Laptop

Hi - hoping people find my solution useful. I have an ASUS UX32A, but am
guessing that this problem is common to their Zenbooks. When the laptop is
fully charged, it will say "plugged in, fully charged", unfortunately, some
laptops just stop charging the battery and the light on the plug blinks red
and green meaning a fault, and will never charge again. I have read in other
threads that this can be fixed by uninstalling drivers and unplugging the
battery, but this has to be done constantly. On my UX32A the battery went
down to 4% and refused to charge at all, even when shut off. But I figured
out what the problem was: it is in the BIOS settings, for USB charging when
off, and allow laptop to go into low power mode when off. These settings were
ENABLED on mine the day the problems started, and the problems stopped when I
disabled them. So it must be a bug in the BIOS. If you have the same problem,
try changing these settings in the BIOS.

簡單說就是他的ASUS UX32A也遇到一樣狀況,後來進去bios把呃......好長一段,
我的Asus UX32VD上這個功能是叫做ASUS USB Charger+ in battery mode,選擇disabled

我剛剛對著我的Asus UX32VD照著做,現在也可以直接充電了~


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Tags: Windows

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2015-09-07T21:27
沒遇到問題的人 可能有定期更新bios 我這台買到手到現

win8 平板畫面縮放問題

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2015-09-07T13:09
有機會拿到一台win8 平板,試用一下,感覺還不錯。相容桌機的程式。 不過有個小缺點就是畫面很小,觸控常點錯,有沒有那種畫面可以縮放的功能。 譬如: 我用兩指撐開,就可以達到zoom in。 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-09-07T11:00
作業系統: win 7 Service Pack: 發生問題頻率: 是否有做Windows Update: 問題內容: 上禮拜公司的一個員工不小心用F2一鍵還原將電腦給還原了。 裡面有幾個文書小檔案沒有備份 嘗試過了recuva軟體做救援 但發現f2一鍵還原的好像挺徹底 軟體找不到什麼可救援的檔 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-09-07T07:33
各位好, 我的筆電是買了約一年的Toshiba R30, 已經卡在「正在關機」畫面超過一天了了 (藍屏,「正在關機」旁的圓圈一直在跑) 即使長按電源鍵似乎也只是進入睡眠, 再按一次電源鍵又回到正在關機畫面, 無法強制關機…… 我本來就設定Windows update非自動更新(最近都沒有更新) 筆電只有用來 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2015-09-07T01:21
Win 10 剛剛要開光碟機的時候 因為我主機擺放位置比較比較奇特 不小心誤觸主機上的Reset鍵 結果重開機之後 竟然說要更新 還不能先跳過或取消 奇怪的是進度還在100%停留超久 好不容易更新完 又自動重開 又要更新 等進度跑到100%終於又能用了 只不過誤觸一個Reset鍵 結果我花了快20分鐘才 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-09-07T00:26
Service Pack:WIN 8.1 發生問題頻率:不定時 是否有做Windows Update:有 問題內容: 有人因不更新WIN10會導致電腦不穩嗎? 系統-WIN8.1 CPU-FX8350 RAM-32G MB-ASUS M5A97 系統硬碟-INTEL 520 240G VGA-HD7750 ...