RealT美國房產STO - 數位貨幣

By Doris
at 2020-09-04T11:58
at 2020-09-04T11:58
Table of Contents
※ 引述《lolo0856 (lolot)》之銘言:
: 簡單來說幾個重點
: 將房子分成token進行交易,持有token可獲得房租,如沒有kyc的地址持有token將無法得到
: 房租收益
: 可以大幅降低購置房地產的手續、時間和門檻,而且是全球性的降低
: What are the benefits of tokenized real estate?
: RealT sells real estate property through the internet, and thus, any real estate
: can be purchased from anywhere in the world (with some exceptions). Additionall
: y, RealT properties are fractionalizable, so that anyone can invest any amount t
: hat fits their needs. Additionally, RealT has reduced the time to purchase real
: estate from a minimum of 30 days and numerous steps with third parties, to just
: 30 minutes and on your phone or computer.
: What problems does tokenization solve?
: Now, real estate investments can be made affordable to anyone, regardless of the
: ir net-worth. Real estate is also a notoriously illiquid industry. By turning re
: al estate into digital tokens, real estate can be accessed by far larger numbers
: of potential buyers, both due to fractionalization of the tokens, and the poten
: tial reach of internet-based markets.
原 po 是四月時,在 DeFi 熱潮前介紹的房地產代幣 RealT
九月一號的消息,AAVE 說之後可以用這種幣來抵押借款,算傳統房產抵押進入去中心化金融創舉
芬蘭語鬼貸 AAVE 與鬼城代幣 REALT 在台灣鬼月合作,先買個鬼城代幣壓壓驚… XDD
: 簡單來說幾個重點
: 將房子分成token進行交易,持有token可獲得房租,如沒有kyc的地址持有token將無法得到
: 房租收益
: 可以大幅降低購置房地產的手續、時間和門檻,而且是全球性的降低
: What are the benefits of tokenized real estate?
: RealT sells real estate property through the internet, and thus, any real estate
: can be purchased from anywhere in the world (with some exceptions). Additionall
: y, RealT properties are fractionalizable, so that anyone can invest any amount t
: hat fits their needs. Additionally, RealT has reduced the time to purchase real
: estate from a minimum of 30 days and numerous steps with third parties, to just
: 30 minutes and on your phone or computer.
: What problems does tokenization solve?
: Now, real estate investments can be made affordable to anyone, regardless of the
: ir net-worth. Real estate is also a notoriously illiquid industry. By turning re
: al estate into digital tokens, real estate can be accessed by far larger numbers
: of potential buyers, both due to fractionalization of the tokens, and the poten
: tial reach of internet-based markets.
原 po 是四月時,在 DeFi 熱潮前介紹的房地產代幣 RealT
九月一號的消息,AAVE 說之後可以用這種幣來抵押借款,算傳統房產抵押進入去中心化金融創舉
芬蘭語鬼貸 AAVE 與鬼城代幣 REALT 在台灣鬼月合作,先買個鬼城代幣壓壓驚… XDD
All Comments

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at 2020-09-06T01:14
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By Zanna
at 2020-09-06T06:09
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at 2020-09-07T21:01
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at 2020-09-09T10:17
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