抄家進度表 @@" - 免空

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-01-24T00:18

Table of Contents

MegaUpload - Closed.
FileServe - Closing does not sell premium.
FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S.
UploadStation - Locked in the U.S.
FileSonic - The news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).
VideoBB - Closed! would disappear soon.
Uploaded - Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.
FilePost - Deleting all material (so will leave executables, pdfs, txts)
Videoz - closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.
4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors pro FBI
Org torrent - could vanish with everything within 30 days "he is under criminal investigation"
Network Share mIRC - awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrent everything.
Koshiki - operating 100% Japan will not join the SOPA / PIPA.
Shienko Box - 100% working china / korea will not join the SOPA / PIPA
ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOPA / PIPA

Japan, China and Korea have a say NO to the FBI and that even if laws are passed in the USA will not have any value within the sovereignty of their countries!

P/S: mediafire has start deleting copyright protected files. Only left is the personal files.

來源: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/fgeu5b




Tags: 免空

All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-01-28T00:38
George avatar
By George
at 2012-02-01T05:26
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-02-02T16:40
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-02-03T11:48
用BT結果警察找上門... 是芥末日
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-02-07T21:13
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-02-12T02:42
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-02-13T21:34
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-02-14T00:06
waits in line at the FBI...現在是要集體行刑了嗎
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-02-14T05:53
SMG 會被抄嗎?
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-02-18T08:41
西方陣線強大 以後主機是要放共產國家或第三世界了嗎..
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-02-22T23:53
是不是突然產生了對北韓與中國的憧憬 (誤)
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2012-02-23T09:03
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-02-24T12:16
115正常 FBI要可以不動聲色直抄對岸 那網路真的要全滅了
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-02-26T11:54
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-02-29T20:19
filesonic 打算出售給別人經營的樣子
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-03-05T12:04
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-03-06T03:47
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2012-03-07T13:30
目前風頭上 誰會接FS
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-03-12T02:30
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-03-12T11:13
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-03-13T10:28
昨天可下載的,一早起來全掛了XDD 我還以為JDOWNLOAD壞了
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2012-03-16T16:36
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-03-17T09:45
為啥會有人以SMG是免空 神奇......
George avatar
By George
at 2012-03-21T23:45
howfile 下載很快 可是沒有上傳大檔過~~
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-03-26T19:42
uploading.com 已死
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-03-28T02:17
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-03-28T13:29
糞ロダ Filepost 也差不多了 Aff拿掉+鳥速=死亡確認(這個
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-04-01T04:07
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-04-04T12:22
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-04-09T06:26
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-04-12T06:37
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-04-14T01:16
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-04-18T12:14
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-04-19T12:30
可以啊@@ 至少我抓了蠻多日文檔
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-04-22T14:58
filesonic 別死阿...
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-04-23T11:16
我是只能上傳後再改檔名 難道是用網頁上傳的關係
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2012-04-23T18:45
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-04-25T19:55
寒蟬效應 表列前5的空間存檔全空.....我要X片啊
David avatar
By David
at 2012-04-28T23:07
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-05-02T13:14
megaporn 也被 FBI給抄家滅族了
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-05-05T03:39
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-05-06T07:59
到底MF什麼時候被FBI關切的?我目前找了CNN 華盛頓郵報
還有紐約時報 都沒看到有MF被關切的新聞耶...
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-05-08T09:25
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-05-13T01:41
可疑檔的話 前天就開始砍了..而且效率頗快尤其在新檔上
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-05-16T12:03
不知道MF如何判斷可疑檔的? 看副檔名嗎? 還是一個一個檔名
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-05-19T03:13
慢慢查 (畢竟很多檔案檔名都打得很清楚 一看就知道內容)
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-05-20T01:26
迅雷、QQ、115 還是很強大的
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-05-23T16:57
MF應該是名稱 命名取簡短縮寫就不大會中了
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-05-24T08:03
depositfiles 現在下載速度可以到1022KB/秒,好快,嚇到...
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-05-24T23:07
推樓上 這空間速度還蠻快的,好像還能續傳
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-05-29T04:18
mega有備份的位址嗎?(IP?) 有個合法檔案想抓
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-06-02T22:25
4shared復活 檔案未砍 可登入可下載
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-06-07T07:26
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-06-09T15:17
有消息說SOPA已經停了,真的嗎? 但是還有ACTA
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-06-10T08:50
我記得SOPA停很久了啊 因為有更強大的出現了 還兩個
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-06-11T18:42
低調 RS下載速度變的超快而且還不用驗証碼
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-06-14T03:38
RS最近超佛的... 不祥之兆...
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-06-15T04:58
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-06-15T09:47
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-06-19T08:17
Oron 死掉了,這個空間的連結都死掉了。
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-06-19T14:30
原來Oron真的掛掉了 我以為只是網路問題
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-06-20T05:40
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-06-22T03:34

一起來簽署停止ACTA!! <-SOPA的進化版...

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2012-01-24T00:04
http://goo.gl/xg0Ac 此請願書希望美國政府停止支持ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 反仿冒貿易協定)。 反仿冒貿易協定ACTA是秘密洽談的著作權協定, 原由美國貿易代表在布希執政時所煽動形成,後來在現任的歐巴馬政權下積極進行。 此項協定不 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-01-23T22:55
groovefile是不是也掛了啊??? 大咖的免空被砍後 連這種小咖級的也開始樹倒猢猻散了嗎? ※ 引述《long201 (呆)》之銘言: : Megaupload被抓之後 : 許多的免空開始出現寒蟬效應了 : 因為FBI的第一刀就是先找最大咖的下手 : 其他比較小間的,自然就被嚇到 : 先收斂一 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-01-23T22:47
http://goo.gl/vvOuo 雖然SOPA沒過 但Megaupload一事 惹得全世界幾近暴動 接連不斷的網路空間關閉事件 讓這波抗議動作越演越烈 匿名駭客集團也持續對各大美國政府及影音相關網站進行攻擊 這次更公開徵求下一波攻擊目標名單 這事件最後會如何結束呢? 大概沒人料得到.. 但可想而知 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-01-23T22:17
Megaupload被抓之後 許多的免空開始出現寒蟬效應了 因為FBI的第一刀就是先找最大咖的下手 其他比較小間的,自然就被嚇到 先收斂一下,避避風頭 等風波過了以後才來東山再起 所以最近幾天才會有許多免空死亡的消息 不過這場風波看來沒這麼容易收尾 至少會有幾個月的免空黑暗期 總覺得抓的舉動,反而讓 ...

網路大亨達康辯無罪 暫還押

David avatar
By David
at 2012-01-23T21:53
■網路大亨達康辯無罪 暫還押【2012/01/23 中央社】http://goo.gl/gROCX (中央社奧克蘭23日綜合外電報導) 檔案分享網站Megaupload創辦人達康(Kim Dotcom)今天在紐西蘭出庭,否認網 路侵權行為與洗錢罪指控,並聲稱當局試圖抹黑他。法官裁定暫行還押。 檢察官圖希 ...